
Jo Derviller
Founder & Creative Director


Jo founded Imaginate 21 years ago, based on strong core values of creativity and customer service. Jo has been a designer for 34 years, and is a published writer and public speaker on creative design for publications such as Brand Communications. She's a bit of a dreamer who, 21 years ago, set herself on a road to build an agency full of like-minded individuals, where design is king, creativity is unbound, and nothing but perfection is good enough. She is always pushing the boundaries and prides herself on developing long lasting close working relationships with her clients and believes strongly in going the “extra mile” to achieve perfection.

Jo has been integral on the success of multi faceted projects such as HSBC’s Wimbledon Activation, which encompassed branding deliverables across the infamous Queue Walkway, HQ activations at Canary Wharf and experiential creations at Wimbledon Station. She has worked on 3 Olympic Games, and was the lead designer on the complete redesign of the World Rugby Museum at Twickenham prior to the World Cup.

She is a published writer on the subject of design and a public speaker and is the imagination behind The Forty4 Creative co-working space in Leamington Spa. Jo is also on the Shadow Board of Directors for the new multi-million pound Warwick Arts Centre project and has been a Judge for the Woman Who Achieves Awards for the last 3 years.

Simon Derviller Art Director & Photographer-Simon is an award winning, international advertising photographer with an extensive and impressive portfolio. Represented globally by Angela De Bona Agency, he is a valued asset of our creative team br…

Simon Derviller
Art Director & Photographer


Simon Derviller is a creative photographer and visionist, who specialises in making the impossible possible.  His passion for sport, portraiture and reportage has established him as one of the most inspirational photographers in the UK today. Simon’s specialty is capturing creative action at full pace to perfection, a talent which has been mastered over many years and sort him much recognition. He is also renowned for his amazing ability and talent in painting with light. Represented globally by Eason Management NY, he is a valued asset of our creative team bringing with him an eye for detail, creative vision and an ability to make the unachievable achievable.

Jenny Elkin  Senior Designer-Jenny has been a part of the Imaginate creative team for over 12 years. She is an integral part of the design team and is the lead designer on many projects. Jenny’s creativity coupled with first class project management…

Jenny Elkin
Design Director


Jenny has been with Imaginate for over 19 years and is an integral part of the Imaginate design team.  Working alongside Jo as Imaginate’s Heavyweight Creative, she has helped build the company from a team of three to a team of 19. Jenny is the lead designer on many projects including HSBC Road to Wimbledon, Rugby Football Union and Warwick Student Union. Jenny’s creativity coupled with project management skills ensure that projects are delivered to the highest standards.

Sarah Young Senior Account Manager-Sarah is our senior account manager and studio manager who effectively "owns" the project and oversees every aspect of the account. On top of this she also manages the scheduling of our busy studio for both online …

Sarah Young
Account Director


Sarah has been an indispensable member of the Imaginate team for over 15 years. Sarah is our account director and effectively “owns” projects and oversees every aspect of the account. She is exceptionally organised and has excellent account management and communication skills. Sarah has worked in the creative industry for over 16 years heading up accounts for the likes of England Rugby, Great Britain Hockey, Mass Participation Sports and The Patron’s Lunch. She is also a winner of a Woman Who award.

Luke Osmond


Having graduated from University in Product Design, Luke has brought his creativity and eye for design to the team. Specialising in video and social media production, Luke works alongside the creative team to campaigns and creative vision.

Sarah Stokes Finance Manager-Sarah heads up our finance department here at imaginate. She is extremely organised in her role and makes sure all our clients and suppliers are happy. What would we do without her!!

Sarah Stokes
Finance Manager


Sarah heads up our finance department here at imaginate. She is extremely organised in her role and makes sure all our clients and suppliers are happy. What would we do without her!!


Georgia Osmond
Creative and Forty4 Manager


Georgia first joined the Imaginate team on a 12 month placement as an intern during her final year at University studying Textile Design. Georgia’s eye for detail and creative vision has brought her back to Imaginate after graduating, to lead up our creative co-working space as well as being a creative team member. Working alongside all our creative tenants, partners and networks, Georgia’s creative flair not only embodies the ambience of the space, but also brings something special to it too.